Wednesday, August 24, 2016

I enjoy superhero or people with superpower movies, and pretty updated with the characters.
I'm pretty much admiring Batman character which, in my opinion, is the toughest and smartest ordinary (but wealthy, I know) man.


Batman or Bruce Wayne is just a character.
Any actor could easily replace the current one like Ben Affleck replaced Christian Bale or Christian Bale replaced the previous one.
I don't think I need any Batman in this real, full of hustle and struggle life.


I already have my Dad.
My Daddy is the toughest man in my life I've ever known.
He survived 2 stroke attack and still manage to accompany me through my struggling days until now, at this very second.

If that's not a superpower, I don't know what is.

He is the man I can count on when the world, even my own body, is against me.
The one who's willing to give me a massage with his only-working-great left hand, late at night, when I tell him I have a headache.
The one who puts aside his need to make sure I have mine fulfilled first.
He may not be the always-talk-sweetly daddy, he is actually a hard-to-handle one, I must say.


I know that he actually cares, all. the. time.
What I want is him to be always healthy, to see him laugh everytime we are having a silly conversation, to see him looking proudly at when I'm at the top.

Thank you, Daddy.

Nothing could define my thankfulness to be your daughter more than the sentence, I love you so much.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Ini aku, air.

Kalian memang sombong
Terlena akan keindahanku, dan lupa segala apapun yang hidup dariku.

Kalian memang tak tahu diuntung
Memujaku, mengagumiku, tanpa tahu bagaimana cara menyayangiku.

Kalian memang egois
Menikmatiku, tapi tidak menjagaku sebaik-baiknya.

Kumohon, jaga aku.
Jauhkan aku dari plastik-plasti kotor itu.
Dari cairan-cairan berbahaya yang kalian gelontorkan tanpa ampun padaku.
Dari timbunan-timbunan sampah yang mencemari aku.

Penyesalan selalu datang belakangan. 
Dengan aku yang seperti ini saja, kalian sudah mengeluh.
Tapi, kenapa kalian tak sadar juga pentingnya aku?